The Missed Opportunity: Why Trump Should Have Chosen Ron Paul

6/18/20242 min read


When Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, one of his primary campaign promises was to 'drain the swamp.' This phrase resonated with many Americans who were disillusioned by the entrenched political establishment. However, as Trump's term unfolded, it became apparent that many of his cabinet appointments were, in fact, members of the very swamp he vowed to drain. This raises a pertinent question: Would Trump's administration have been different if he had chosen someone like Ron Paul?

The Cabinet Choices

Upon taking office, Trump appointed a mix of traditional Republicans, business leaders, and Washington insiders to his cabinet. Critics argue that these choices were contradictory to his campaign's anti-establishment rhetoric. Instead of filling the administration with fresh, reform-minded individuals, many of his appointees had long-standing ties to the political and economic structures Trump had criticized.

Ron Paul: The Ideological Alternative

Ron Paul, a former congressman and Air Force gynecologist, had a reputation for being a staunch advocate of constitutionalism and limited government. Often referred to as 'Dr. No' by his colleagues, Paul was known for voting against legislation he deemed unconstitutional, regardless of party lines. His unwavering principles and commitment to reducing government overreach made him a unique figure in American politics.

Potential Impact of Ron Paul in Trump's Cabinet

Had Trump appointed Ron Paul to a key position in his administration, it could have signaled a genuine commitment to reform. Paul's presence in the cabinet might have steered policy decisions towards a stricter adherence to constitutional principles and a reduction in government intervention. This could have resonated with libertarian-leaning voters and those disillusioned with traditional party politics.


Trump's presidency was marked by a series of contradictions, particularly in his cabinet choices. By not selecting someone like Ron Paul, Trump missed an opportunity to align his administration more closely with his campaign promise of draining the swamp. Ron Paul's commitment to constitutionalism and limited government would have provided a stark contrast to the establishment figures that populated much of Trump's cabinet. While it's speculative to consider how different the administration might have been, it's clear that a figure like Ron Paul could have brought a unique and principled approach to the executive branch.